What to say, what to do
Scooby Dooby Dooby Doo
Lib Pols, news pundits and
Hollywood alike
Want the world
On their terms
On their terms
Else, in their dislike,
They destroy
Else they destroy
The letter of the law
Is their call
On their terms
On their terms
Else they break the law
On their terms
On their terms
They beat their chests
Whine and complain
Their behavior revealing
Unmanliness and disdain
Their peace, poise
And moral courage
Lost in the void
Lost in the void
They shout for
Good and harmony
In such a violent,
hateful way
Running in packs
Rending everything
In their path
The world then suffering
Calamities and strife
Unsettling, darkening life
Each and every day
Each and every day
Hypocrisy shutting out
Their understanding and light
They become lost and 'sight-less'
Day and night
Day and night
Churning out 'truth'
Veiling self-interest and desire
Throwing a blanket of darkness over
They lurk and crawl
Lashing and cruel
Like a dark-hearted lover
Hating those who oppose
deserving less
Loving those who dispose
Their prejudices
and biases
Deserving less
Deserving less
Not seeing that the
Objects of their scorn
In truth, they themselves adorn
Exposed and embarrassed
Heedless of the
Lessons to be learned
Nobility and Virtue
Held hostage - -
They plot and scheme
Lusting for vengeance
Their lives teeming
With pain and angst
By their hand
By their hand
If but once they would introspect
(Shut the door on their 'intellect')
The disease of ignorance,
Darkness and hate
Would fly away, abate-d . . .
Then earth, planets, stars
Solar-Stellar systems and
Angels celebrate
What to say, what to do
Scooby Dooby Dooby Doo
For one's own well-being,
you must stop watching the news.